A Talk With Revolutionary Skincare Label Founder Professor Augustinus Bader


As head of stem cell research at the University of Leipzig, Professor Bader has spent the best part of 30 years working with burns victims, developing a groundbreaking gel in 2008 that could heal third-degree burns without the need for surgery or skin grafts.

We speak to Professor Bader about the remarkable capacity of stem cells to regenerate, his collaboration with Victoria Beckham, and the new skincare technologies that are really getting him excited.  


Professor Bader, what was it about the sciences, specifically biomedical science and scar quality research, that so greatly interests you?

AB: During my medical studies, I travelled to China to work with burn victims at the Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai. The doctor's techniques at this Burn Center were considerably more advanced than in Europe, which at that time could not treat burns of that severity. The novel skin transplantation methods they used improved the patient survival rate; however, it left them with massive scar formation. Further adding to the trauma, in cases involving children, they must undergo frequent scar revision surgery to remove the non-functional tissue that would otherwise cripple their growth. This experience motivated my decision to devote many years to researching the regenerative capacity of stem cells, leading to the development of a topical wound-gel treatment that uses the body's intrinsic capacity to repair traumatic injuries without the need for skin grafting.

Can you share with us how your revolutionary stem cell behaviour research developed into formulating 'next-generation smart skincare'?

AB: Through my research, I found that the body's stem cells are made usable through three essential components called A, B & C. In younger individuals or the case of a minor injury, these effects come together like pieces of a puzzle. I called these components "activation, boosting, commitment." The reason for the development of the creams was the knowledge that as we get older or have severe injuries, these A-B-C repair mechanisms, unfortunately, either decrease or stop functioning. If we stop repairing ourselves or cannot carry out this repair in an optimal manner, the result is an accelerated ageing process. Thanks to this understanding, I have succeeded in putting together a kind of "toolbox" of nutritional components in my care line, the idea of which no longer makes us dependent on actual age. In this way, it is increasingly possible to achieve improved protection and specific skincare by optimising the body's own repair processes so that everyone can achieve the best and healthiest skin for themselves. The body's own stem cells' activation happens every day by itself and is entirely independent of the products - we have to fix ourselves every day because we are not made of stone but living organisms. We developed the products based on my understanding of the body's own protection and care needs for our stem cells, which are our skin's only repair specialists, working every day to keep it healthy. 

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Can you demystify your Trigger Factor Complex® (TFC8®) and tell us why it's technology is paramount to our skin's health?

AB: Our skincare technology moves in the field of epigenetics - in other words, it works with the skin's own intrinsic repair needs by delivering various active ingredients that control and influence the skin cells in a targeted manner. This combination of active ingredients is what makes up our proprietary "Trigger-Factor Complex 8®" or TFC8®. This particular complex contains building blocks of amino acids, vitamins, and synthesized molecules in an exact concentration and combination naturally occurring in healthy young skin. TFC8® functions like GPS by utilizing a novel transporting mechanism (made up of ceramide structures). Its purpose is to navigate and deliver this 'toolbox' of nutrient compounds to a specific location in the cellular microenvironment. In short, the formula naturally supports the skin to undergo an optimal natural remodelling process. When you can do that, you can influence epigenetic factors that enable the body to fix your skin according to your own needs. The products tap into the kind of biological wisdom innate to us, naturally expressed when using.


The iconic Rich Cream has had an upgrade involving advanced scientific improvements. Can you tell us about the key differences in this new, vegan formula?

AB: Our latest advancement, the 2.0 vegan The Rich Cream, was optimized for better performance, efficacy, and sustainability. In clinical trial results held with thirty participants over one month, the New Rich Cream achieved an improvement level in skin hydration of 145%. Wrinkle reduction ranged between 37% and 54% during this same timeframe, while skin firmness improved by 92%. Among user trials with 105 members, 100% of participants noted that their skin instantly felt more hydrated and nourished, while 99% said that, over 12 weeks, their skin overall felt renewed, replenished, and reinvigorated. 

How did the collaboration with Victoria Beckham transpire?

AB: We worked with Victoria as it happened in an organic and natural way. Victoria posted about loving our creams before we even met her or knew she tried the product. We knew Victoria is very honest and passionate about the beauty products she tries and uses. As we had no intention to develop hybrid make-up products like the Primer we did together, when she approached us, we thought it could be a good idea to combine her knowledge of the beauty and make-up world with our TFC8®. We extended the experience with a serum as well. We loved combining our visions, expertise, and teams.


How do you want buyers of Augustinus Bader skincare to feel after seeing the benefits of using the cream? (I.e Why is it important to you that people's serious skin concerns/scarring can be reduced after using your products, leading to a happier and healthier life?)

AB: Your skin is a reflection of yourself. That's what people see first. Keeping your skin healthy will give you an abundance of protection for the rest of your life. I think that's one of the best take-home messages, that there's something which ideally helps their skin, protects their skin, and I think about it as a part of being healthy as a human being. 

As a medical doctor, are there any additional habits we can incorporate into our lives to improve our overall skin and body health alongside using Augustinus Bader skincare?

AB: Epigenetics tells us that how we age is 30% dependent on our genes, but 70% is what you do with them. As the philosopher, Aristotle, said, "We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently," so it means that you are able to change the direction of something that is set. The genes in your skin are set. You were born with them but you can also influence them. When we support and nourish our bodies, we can each become the best version of ourselves — looking after our skin is more than just vanity.

After 30 years working with burn victims, studying stem cell biology, and making a great impact on people's lives after accidents, what achievement are you most proud of?

AB: Wound-gel moments are best when helping patients or children following traumatic injuries. However, more clinical research is needed to develop this concept for wider clinical applicability as the treatment is still at an early stage. 

How do you think the field of stem cell research will evolve in the future? Are there any upcoming technologies that you're excited about and think will have a significant impact?

AB: Using the natural regenerative process of endogenous stem cells for cell, tissue, and organ regeneration is emerging as an exciting therapeutic avenue for current medical practice and preventive medicine with potential safe, long-lasting, and substantial improvements in the quality of life. I truly believe preventive medicine will change how we see conventional medicine in the future.

Discover Augustinus Bader’s skincare range online at augustinusbader.com



Founder of his eponymous skincare label, Augustinus Bader, Professor Bader talks science-backed skincare, his pioneering stem cell research, & his collab with Victoria Beckham

Professor Augustinus Bader is currently one of the most distinguished stem cell researchers in his field. A Google of his name reveals an impressive tapestry of his accomplishments which span 30 years.

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